
An Upper-limb rehabilitation exoskeleton robot based on AI and Cloud Computing

Aims of the project

This project aims to develop a new generation of exoskeleton robot that will benefit stroke patients by providing advanced functionality that will enable remote but active rehabilitation. This will be achieved by the integration of artificial intelligence, virtual reality and cloud computing. The project will introduce novel sensors to recognise post-stroke patients’ motion intentions. The signals collected from the patients will be sent to a cloud-based data processing centre where the centralised database based on AI services will be accessed by all functional units.

This will guide the robot's movements, monitor the patient’s progress and can be used to provide expert assistance remotely. The project will have a virtual reality interface for performing activities of daily living which will be trialled on stroke patients and can be used in addition to conventional therapy to increase treatment intensity for improved recovery.


The focus is to provide more engaging rehabilitation with a new generation of an upper limb exoskeleton to improve efficiency and provide additional intervention that has the potential to improve outcomes and independence. The objective is to benefit post-stroke patients through intensive training on daily activities of life, with the goal of reducing long term dependency and improving the cost-efficiency of treatment.


  • Help stroke patients to benefit from remote and active rehabilitation

  • Increase the intensity and repetitions through the use of the robot which will lead to improved upper limb outcomes

  • Contribute to the wellbeing of stroke patients and social care in the Channel region

  • Increase the delivery and uptake of novel robot-enhanced rehabilitation for stroke patients in hospitals and rehabilitation centres

UPJV's role

Our team (UPJV) is a partner with the Lead Partner, the University of Portsmouth, and the other 8 partners, French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), University Hospital of Brest, Bournemouth University, Hobbs Rehabilitation, SEHTA, CC Initiative Ltd & BA Healthcare.

We are responsible for Cloud computing WP of this project.


SAVE THE DATE: Launch Event: Cross-Border Webinar

Date: Tuesday 23rd March 2021

Times: 09:30 - 11:30 (GMT) / 10:30 - 12:30 (CET)

Are you a French or UK SME working on innovative healthcare solutions in rehabilitation of stroke patients? Do you want to know more about this EU Project? Then this webinar is meant for you! Join us on 23 March to learn how you can get involved.


Partners contact details

Lead Partner: University of Portsmouth

Contact: Zhaojie Ju


French Partners

Partner: University of Picardie Jules Verne

Contact: Yulin Zhang


Partner: French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission

Contact: Franck Geffard


Partner: University of Brest

Contact: Olivier Remy-Neris


Partner: BA Healthcare

Contact: Samuel Pinault


UK Partners

Partner: Bournemouth University

Contact: Venky Dubey


Partner: Hobbs Rehabilitation

Contact: Helen Hobbs


Partner: CC Initative Ltd

Contact: Grace Kumenda Phiri


Partner: SEHTA

Contact: Eddie Tan
